Friday, February 24, 2023

Youtube SEO V2 renk your videos 5 minute, free download


Youtube SEO V2 renk your videos 5 minute, free download

If you are a beginner YouTuber, of course there will be a lot of confusion. The problem that novice YouTubers will face is that there are 3 things.

1. How to increase subscribe 
2. How to increase viewers 
3. How to quickly get money from YouTube And beginner
must also be a lot confused about how our content can be seen by many people. 

Don't worry, we will provide a solution, namely by using the YOUTUBE SEO V2 software. 

YOUTUBE SEO V2 is software to increase the number of visitors and subscribers to your YouTube channel.

 Because this software can increase the rank of your content. YOUTUBE SEO V2 will make it easier for you to manage your YouTube channel.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

vidIQ Vision For YouTube Enterprise v3.81.2.1 Free 100% – YouTube SEO

vidIQ Vision For YouTube Enterprise v3.81.2.1 Free 100% – YouTube SEO

Many YouTube content creators ignore the YouTube theme, although it is very important to bring targeted and interactive visitors to your channel on YouTube. But when they start their channels, they do not go into the sites and find out how to set up a professional channel. Your very important tool helps you in SEO

The tool is a tool very useful VidIQ is very much more than the text of Quotient because it is one of the oldest additions that provide these features is the analysis of videos and channels information and statistics help you to know the most important words in your search channel and the number of visitors to your channel and subscribers and some other information that you can easily find this information in YouTube stats for your channel.

But what is wrong with this tool is that it is dedicated to adding to Google Chrome browser through the store of the browser … But you have downloaded a very important topic is “the way to install the additions of Google Chrome on the Opera browser,” you should visit after knowing all the information about the tool to install On Opera browser that you are a user of this browser

VidIQ Help You To Make More Money From Google Adsense in YouTube

King Of YouTube SEO 2023

YouTube Cheating Tools VIP

Vidiq is a tool that helps creators optimize their videos for YouTube. It offers a range of features to help users improve the visibility of their videos on the platform, including keyword and hashtag research, video analysis, and optimization recommendations. Vidiq also provides analytics tools to help users track the performance of their videos and understand their audience. Some of the key benefits of using Vidiq include the ability to research and identify popular keywords and hashtags, optimize titles and descriptions for better search visibility, and track the performance of videos over time.

Vidiq is a tool that helps creators optimize their videos on YouTube. It offers a range of features that can help creators increase their views and engagement, such as keyword research, tag optimization, and real-time analytics. It also includes a feature that suggests tags and titles for videos based on the content of the video. Some of the other features of Vidiq include:

  • Video analysis: Provides information on the performance of a video, including views, likes, comments, and engagement.
  • Audience retention: Shows how long viewers are watching a video and where they are dropping off.
  • Video tags: Helps creators optimize their video tags for better visibility in YouTube’s search results.
  • Trending tags: Provides a list of the most popular tags on YouTube.
  • Custom tags: Allows creators to add their own tags to their videos.

Vidiq is a tool that helps creators optimize their videos for YouTube by providing insights and analysis about their performance. It offers features such as keyword and competitor research, thumbnail analysis, and a built-in video editor. It is designed to help creators improve the visibility and engagement of their videos on YouTube, and potentially increase their revenue from the platform. Some of the main features of Vidiq include:

  1. Keyword research: Vidiq helps creators find the best keywords to use in their titles, tags, and descriptions to improve their visibility on YouTube.
  2. Competitor analysis: Vidiq provides insights into the performance of a creator’s competitors, including their views, likes, and engagement.
  3. Thumbnail analysis: Vidiq analyzes the effectiveness of a video’s thumbnail, including its color, contrast, and text, to help creators create more visually appealing thumbnails that are more likely to be clicked on.
  4. Video editor: Vidiq includes a built-in video editor that allows creators to make basic edits to their videos, such as trimming, cropping, and adding text overlays.
  5. YouTube channel analytics: Vidiq provides detailed analytics about a creator’s channel, including information about their views, subscribers, and revenue.

Overall, Vidiq is a useful tool for creators who want to improve their visibility and engagement on YouTube and increase their revenue from the platform.

Vidiq is a tool that helps creators optimize their videos for YouTube. It provides a range of features designed to help creators get more views and engagement on their videos, including keyword and competitor research, video SEO optimization, and real-time analytics. Some of the specific features offered by Vidiq include:

  • Video title and description optimization: Vidiq analyzes the titles and descriptions of your videos and provides suggestions for improvement based on best practices for YouTube SEO.
  • Keyword research: Vidiq helps you identify the best keywords to include in your titles, descriptions, and tags to help your videos rank higher in YouTube’s search results.
  • Competitor analysis: Vidiq allows you to see how your videos stack up against those of your competitors, and provides insights into what they’re doing to drive views and engagement.
  • Real-time analytics: Vidiq provides real-time analytics on your videos, including views, likes, comments, and more. This allows you to track the performance of your videos and make informed decisions about your content strategy.

Overall, Vidiq is a tool that can help YouTube creators improve the visibility and performance of their videos on the platform.


VidIQ is a tool that helps YouTube creators optimize their videos for better visibility and performance on the platform. There are a few ways you can use VidIQ to make money on YouTube:

  1. Partner with YouTube and earn ad revenue from your videos: To become a YouTube partner and start earning ad revenue from your videos, you’ll need to meet certain eligibility criteria and follow YouTube’s policies. If you meet these requirements and your videos are approved for monetization, you’ll be able to earn a share of the ad revenue generated from your videos.
  2. Promote products or services through your videos: You can also make money by promoting products or services through your videos. This can be done through sponsored content or by including links to products in the video description. You can also use VidIQ’s Boost feature to help you identify sponsored content opportunities.
  3. Sell merchandise through your channel: Another way to make money on YouTube is by selling merchandise through your channel. You can create and sell t-shirts, mugs, and other items featuring your branding or design. You can use VidIQ’s Boost feature to help you identify opportunities to promote your merchandise in your videos.

Overall, the key to making money on YouTube is to create high-quality content that engages your audience and grows your channel. Using a tool like VidIQ can help you optimize your videos for better performance on the platform, but it’s important to also focus on building your audience and creating a consistent stream of content.

There are several ways you can use vidIQ to make money:

  1. YouTube Partnership Program: If you have a YouTube channel and are a member of the YouTube Partner Program, you can use vidIQ to optimize your videos and increase their visibility, which can lead to more views and ultimately more revenue through ads and sponsorships.
  2. Affiliate marketing: You can use vidIQ to research and promote products or services as an affiliate, earning a commission for every sale made through your referral link.
  3. Sponsored content: If you have a popular YouTube channel or social media account, you may be able to work with brands to create sponsored content, where you feature their products or services in exchange for payment.
  4. Sell your own products or services: You can use vidIQ to promote your own products or services, such as e-books, courses, or consulting services, to your audience.
  5. Ad revenue: If you have a large and engaged audience, you may be able to monetize your content through ad revenue by displaying ads on your videos or channel.

Keep in mind that making money from vidIQ or any other platform will require time, effort, and persistence. It’s important to set clear goals and be willing to put in the work to achieve them.

vidIQ Vision For YouTube Enterprise v3.81.2.1 Free 100% – YouTube SEO




Tube Atlas Premium v1.0.3.0 Full Activated – YouTube Marketing Tool – Discount 100% OFF

Tube Atlas Premium v1.0.3.0 Full Activated – YouTube Marketing Tool – Discount 100% OFF

Tube Atlas Premium is a YouTube research tool that has been designed to provide its users with an advanced level of insights and analytics related to their YouTube channel and the YouTube platform as a whole. It is a cutting-edge solution that has been designed to meet the needs of today’s content creators and marketers who are looking to optimize their video content and grow their audience.

One of the key features of Tube Atlas Premium is its ability to analyze and track your YouTube channel’s performance and provide you with comprehensive data on your audience, your competitors, and the overall market trends. This includes data on views, likes, comments, subscribers, and other key metrics that can help you understand how well your channel is performing and what changes you need to make to improve it.

Another key aspect of Tube Atlas Premium is its ability to conduct detailed keyword research and optimization. This allows you to find the best keywords for your videos and optimize them to rank higher in search results and drive more traffic to your channel. The tool also provides you with valuable insights into the performance of your videos, including their click-through rates, watch time, and engagement metrics, which can help you to make informed decisions about your video content strategy.

One of the key benefits of using Tube Atlas Premium is its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for you to understand and use the data and insights it provides. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, you’ll find that the tool is intuitive and straightforward, making it easy to get the information you need to make informed decisions about your YouTube channel.

Another advantage of Tube Atlas Premium is its ability to provide you with data and insights in real-time. This means that you can make informed decisions about your YouTube channel and video content in near real-time, which can be a huge advantage when it comes to staying ahead of the competition.

In conclusion, Tube Atlas Premium is a powerful YouTube research tool that provides its users with a wealth of data and insights that can help them grow their audience, optimize their video content, and stay ahead of the competition. Whether you’re a content creator, marketer, or just someone looking to grow their YouTube channel, Tube Atlas Premium is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to succeed on the platform.

Tube Atlas Premium is a powerful YouTube research tool that provides users with advanced insights and analytics related to their YouTube channel and the overall platform. Whether you’re a content creator or marketer, Tube Atlas Premium can help you to grow your audience, optimize your video content, and stay ahead of the competition. In this article, we’ll go over how to use Tube Atlas Premium to its full potential.

Step 1: Download Software

Step 2: Analyze your channel’s performance

One of the key features of Tube Atlas Premium is its ability to analyze your channel’s performance. This includes data on views, likes, comments, subscribers, and other key metrics that can help you understand how well your channel is performing and what changes you need to make to improve it. To access this information, simply navigate to the “Analytics” tab in the tool and select your channel. You’ll then be able to see a comprehensive dashboard that displays all of your channel’s performance data in one place.

Step 3: Conduct keyword research

Tube Atlas Premium also allows you to conduct detailed keyword research and optimization. This is a crucial step in growing your audience and improving your video’s visibility on the platform. To start your keyword research, simply navigate to the “Keyword Research” tab in the tool and enter the keywords you want to analyze. Tube Atlas Premium will then provide you with a list of related keywords, along with data on their search volume and competition level.

Step 4: Optimize your video content

Once you’ve conducted your keyword research, it’s time to optimize your video content. This involves using the keywords you’ve researched to optimize the title, description, and tags of your videos. By using the right keywords, you can improve your video’s visibility in search results and drive more traffic to your channel. To optimize your video content, simply navigate to the “Video Optimization” tab in the tool and enter the details of your video. Tube Atlas Premium will then provide you with suggestions on how to optimize your video for the keywords you’ve researched.

Step 5: Monitor your performance

Finally, it’s important to monitor your performance over time to ensure that your efforts are paying off. Tube Atlas Premium provides real-time data and insights, so you can monitor your channel’s performance in near real-time and make informed decisions about your video content strategy. To monitor your performance, simply navigate to the “Analytics” tab in the tool and select your channel. You’ll then be able to see a comprehensive dashboard that displays all of your channel’s performance data in one place.

In conclusion, Tube Atlas Premium is a powerful YouTube research tool that provides its users with a wealth of data and insights that can help them grow their audience, optimize their video content, and stay ahead of the competition. By following the steps outlined above, you’ll be able to get the most out of the tool and achieve your goals on the platform.

Tube Atlas Premium is not only a comprehensive YouTube research tool, but it also provides users with a unique opportunity to make money with their YouTube channel. Whether you’re a content creator or marketer, Tube Atlas Premium can help you to increase your earnings on the platform by providing you with the data and insights you need to optimize your video content and grow your audience. In this article, we’ll go over how to make money with Tube Atlas Premium.

Step 1: Create high-quality, monetizable content

The first step to making money with Tube Atlas Premium is to create high-quality, monetizable content. This means producing videos that are engaging, informative, and aligned with your target audience’s interests. To determine what type of content your audience is interested in, use the tool’s analytics to track your channel’s performance data and identify your most popular videos. You can then use this information to create similar content that will engage your audience and drive more views and revenue.

Step 2: Optimize your video content

Tube Atlas Premium allows you to conduct keyword research and optimization, which is crucial to making money with your YouTube channel. By optimizing your video content for the right keywords, you can improve your video’s visibility in search results and drive more traffic to your channel. To optimize your video content, simply navigate to the “Keyword Research” and “Video Optimization” tabs in the tool and enter the details of your video. Tube Atlas Premium will then provide you with suggestions on how to optimize your video for the keywords you’ve researched.

Step 3: Grow your audience

The more subscribers you have, the more potential views and revenue you’ll be able to generate. Tube Atlas Premium provides you with data on your audience and competitor channels, which can help you to grow your audience by understanding what type of content is resonating with viewers and what changes you need to make to your channel to attract more subscribers. To grow your audience, focus on creating engaging, high-quality content that aligns with your target audience’s interests and use the tool’s data and insights to inform your video content strategy.

Step 4: Monetize your channel

Once you’ve created high-quality, monetizable content and optimized it for the right keywords, it’s time to monetize your channel. There are several ways to make money on YouTube, including through advertisements, sponsorships, and product placements. To start monetizing your channel, sign up for the YouTube Partner Program and connect your channel to an AdSense account. You’ll then be able to display ads on your videos and earn money each time someone clicks on an ad.

Step 5: Monitor your earnings

Finally, it’s important to monitor your earnings over time to ensure that your efforts are paying off. Tube Atlas Premium provides real-time data and insights, so you can monitor your channel’s performance in near real-time and make informed decisions about your video content strategy. To monitor your earnings, simply navigate to the “Analytics” tab in the tool and select your channel. You’ll then be able to see a comprehensive dashboard that displays all of your channel’s performance data, including your earnings.

In conclusion, Tube Atlas Premium is a powerful YouTube research tool that provides its users with a unique opportunity to make money with their YouTube channel. By following the steps outlined above, you’ll be able to create high-quality, monetizable content, optimize it for the right keywords, grow your audience, monetize your channel, and monitor your earnings. With Tube Atlas Premium, you’ll have the data and insights you need to succeed on the platform.

Tube Atlas Premium is not only a comprehensive YouTube research tool, but it also provides freelancers with a unique opportunity to make money with their YouTube skills on freelance websites. If you have experience with creating and optimizing video content for YouTube, you can leverage your skills and Tube Atlas Premium to offer valuable services to clients and generate a steady stream of income. In this article, we’ll go over how to make money with Tube Atlas Premium on freelance websites.

Step 1: Build your portfolio

Before you start offering your YouTube services on freelance websites, it’s important to build a strong portfolio that showcases your skills and experience. This could include samples of your work, testimonials from satisfied clients, and statistics demonstrating the success of your video content. Use Tube Atlas Premium to track your own YouTube channel’s performance data and use this information to inform your portfolio and demonstrate your expertise.

Step 2: Create a service offering

Once you have a strong portfolio, it’s time to create a service offering that highlights your YouTube skills and the benefits of using Tube Atlas Premium. Consider offering services such as YouTube channel optimization, video content creation, keyword research and optimization, and audience growth strategies. Make sure to emphasize the value that Tube Atlas Premium provides, such as real-time data and insights, comprehensive analytics, and powerful optimization tools.

Step 3: Sign up for freelance websites

Once you have your service offering in place, sign up for popular freelance websites such as Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr. Create a profile that showcases your portfolio and service offering, and make sure to highlight your experience with Tube Atlas Premium. Make sure to include details about the services you offer, your rates, and the benefits of working with you.

Step 4: Start bidding on projects

Once your profile is set up, start bidding on YouTube-related projects that match your skills and experience. Make sure to include a detailed proposal that showcases your portfolio, service offering, and experience with Tube Atlas Premium. Emphasize the value you can provide to the client and make sure to highlight the benefits of using Tube Atlas Premium in your proposal.

Step 5: Deliver quality work

Once you secure a project, it’s important to deliver high-quality work that exceeds the client’s expectations. Use Tube Atlas Premium to optimize the client’s video content, conduct keyword research and optimization, and grow their audience. Make sure to communicate with the client regularly to ensure their satisfaction and address any concerns they may have.

Step 6: Get paid

Finally, it’s time to get paid for your services. Most freelance websites have secure payment systems in place that allow you to receive payment directly to your account. Make sure to invoice the client promptly and follow up on any outstanding payments to ensure you get paid for your work.

In conclusion, Tube Atlas Premium is a powerful YouTube research tool that provides freelancers with a unique opportunity to make money on freelance websites. By following the steps outlined above, you’ll be able to build a strong portfolio, create a service offering, sign up for freelance websites, bid on projects, deliver quality work, and get paid for your services. With Tube Atlas Premium, you’ll have the tools and data you need to succeed as a YouTube freelancer.

Tube Atlas Premium is a comprehensive YouTube research tool that provides users with real-time data and insights, comprehensive analytics, and powerful optimization tools. As a result, many users of the program are able to generate significant revenue from their YouTube channels. However, the estimated salary for program users can vary greatly depending on several factors, including the size of their audience, the niche they operate in, and their level of experience with YouTube optimization.

One of the biggest factors that affects the estimated salary for program users is the size of their audience. Generally, the larger the audience, the more potential there is for revenue generation. For example, a user with a small YouTube channel may only generate a few hundred dollars per month, while a user with a large channel may generate several thousand dollars per month or more.

The niche that a user operates in can also have a significant impact on their estimated salary. Some niches, such as gaming, beauty, and fashion, tend to generate more revenue due to their popularity and high engagement levels. Other niches, such as niche hobbies or interest-based content, may not generate as much revenue but can still provide users with a steady stream of income.

Finally, the level of experience with YouTube optimization can greatly affect the estimated salary for program users. Those with extensive experience in optimizing video content for YouTube, conducting keyword research, and growing their audience are more likely to generate higher levels of revenue than those with limited experience.

In conclusion, the estimated salary for program users of Tube Atlas Premium can vary greatly depending on several factors, including the size of their audience, the niche they operate in, and their level of experience with YouTube optimization. However, by using Tube Atlas Premium to optimize their video content and grow their audience, users can greatly increase their potential for revenue generation.

Reaching the first million views on YouTube can be a major milestone for creators, and Tube Atlas Premium can play a crucial role in helping users reach this goal. However, the amount of time it takes to reach the first million views will vary depending on several factors, including the quality of the content, the niche, and the level of engagement of the audience.

One of the key factors that affects the time it takes to reach the first million views is the quality of the content. High-quality content that is engaging, entertaining, and informative is more likely to be shared and recommended, which can help increase its reach and accelerate the pace at which it accumulates views. Using Tube Atlas Premium to optimize the video content can help ensure that it is well-received by the audience and increases the chances of reaching the first million views.

The niche that a user operates in can also have an impact on the time it takes to reach the first million views. Some niches, such as gaming, beauty, and fashion, tend to have a larger and more engaged audience, which can help speed up the pace at which videos accumulate views. Other niches, such as niche hobbies or interest-based content, may not have as large an audience, but can still be successful if the content is high-quality and well-optimized.

Finally, the level of engagement of the audience can greatly affect the time it takes to reach the first million views. An engaged audience that regularly comments, likes, and shares videos is more likely to help spread the content and increase its reach, while an audience that is less engaged may take longer to reach the first million views.

In conclusion, the time it takes to reach the first million views on YouTube can vary greatly depending on several factors, including the quality of the content, the niche, and the level of engagement of the audience. However, by using Tube Atlas Premium to optimize their video content and grow their audience, users can increase their chances of reaching the first million views more quickly. It’s important to keep in mind that reaching the first million views is just the first step, and that continued success on YouTube requires ongoing effort and a commitment to creating high-quality content that resonates with the audience. With the right tools and strategies in place, however, users can achieve their goals and build a successful YouTube channel.

Keyword Generator

Trends Generator

Video Analyzer

Browser Extractor

Channel Analyzer

Video-To-Text Converter

Comment Analyzer

Content Spinner

Video Title Generator

Video Downloader

Tag Analyzer

Video Title Analyzer

Video Details Navigator

Easily Generate Hashtags

Analyze Youtube Shorts

Extract & Analyze In-Video Ads

Extract Related Videos

Extract Unlisted Videos

Tube Atlas Premium v1.0.3.0 Full Activated – YouTube Marketing Tool – Discount 100% OFF



Saturday, January 23, 2021

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Diabolic Traffic Bot V6.60 Premium Cracked (FREE)

Diabolic Traffic Bot V6.60 Premium Cracked (FREE)
You Have a Website, Blogger, Yotube is empty of visitors / View, now I have a solution to the problem of all my friends, if a Website, Blogger, Yotube is empty of visitors / View uses software bot / uses a robot where this software can find you a lot of views so that the Website, Blogger, Yotube for many visitors / views ...

This software provides a variety of features "for you to use to look for views and increase your views, this software is equipped with automatic view search and directly addressed to the website address, Blogger / Youtube, buddy all mollify.
1. Auto Bot View
Where if you put the website address, your blogger / youtube will automatically enter the view to the address you specified and this bot grinds up to thousands of views that can enter the address that you listed right
2. Auto Proxy
In this software there is also an auto proxy feature where the usefulness of this feature is to display which countries you are aiming to view your site address, you can use auto proxy / manual proxy / you can also use a VPN proxy that you have free to like you depends on taste.

And there are still a lot of features "which are in it, how to use it ... we will discuss it later, if you want to get fast" get a lot of views, please download the software below, I already provide it for you use full premium ...

Diabolic Traffic Bot V6.56 Premium Cracked (FREE)

Diabolic Traffic Bot V6.56 Premium Cracked (FREE)
You Have a Website, Blogger, Yotube is empty of visitors / View, now I have a solution to the problem of all my friends, if a Website, Blogger, Yotube is empty of visitors / View uses software bot / uses a robot where this software can find you a lot of views so that the Website, Blogger, Yotube for many visitors / views ...

This software provides a variety of features "for you to use to look for views and increase your views, this software is equipped with automatic view search and directly addressed to the website address, Blogger / Youtube, buddy all mollify.
1. Auto Bot View
Where if you put the website address, your blogger / youtube will automatically enter the view to the address you specified and this bot grinds up to thousands of views that can enter the address that you listed right
2. Auto Proxy
In this software there is also an auto proxy feature where the usefulness of this feature is to display which countries you are aiming to view your site address, you can use auto proxy / manual proxy / you can also use a VPN proxy that you have free to like you depends on taste.

And there are still a lot of features "which are in it, how to use it ... we will discuss it later, if you want to get fast" get a lot of views, please download the software below, I already provide it for you use full premium ...

Diabolik Traffic Bot V6.50 Premium Cracked (FREE)

Diabolik Traffic Bot V6.50 Premium Cracked (FREE)

You Have a Website, Blogger, Yotube is empty of visitors / View, now I have a solution to the problem of all my friends, if a Website, Blogger, Yotube is empty of visitors / View uses software bot / uses a robot where this software can find you a lot of views so that the Website, Blogger, Yotube for many visitors / views ...

This software provides a variety of features "for you to use to look for views and increase your views, this software is equipped with automatic view search and directly addressed to the website address, Blogger / Youtube, buddy all mollify.
1. Auto Bot View
Where if you put the website address, your blogger / youtube will automatically enter the view to the address you specified and this bot grinds up to thousands of views that can enter the address that you listed right
2. Auto Proxy
In this software there is also an auto proxy feature where the usefulness of this feature is to display which countries you are aiming to view your site address, you can use auto proxy / manual proxy / you can also use a VPN proxy that you have free to like you depends on taste.

And there are still a lot of features "which are in it, how to use it ... we will discuss it later, if you want to get fast" get a lot of views, please download the software below, I already provide it for you use full premium ...

Diabolic Traffic Bot V6.43 Premium Cracked (FREE)

Diabolic Traffic Bot V6.43 Premium Cracked (FREE)
You Have a Website, Blogger, Yotube is empty of visitors / View, now I have a solution to the problem of all my friends, if a Website, Blogger, Yotube is empty of visitors / View uses software bot / uses a robot where this software can find you a lot of views so that the Website, Blogger, Yotube for many visitors / views ...

This software provides a variety of features "for you to use to look for views and increase your views, this software is equipped with automatic view search and directly addressed to the website address, Blogger / Youtube, buddy all mollify.
1. Auto Bot View
Where if you put the website address, your blogger / youtube will automatically enter the view to the address you specified and this bot grinds up to thousands of views that can enter the address that you listed right
2. Auto Proxy
In this software there is also an auto proxy feature where the usefulness of this feature is to display which countries you are aiming to view your site address, you can use auto proxy / manual proxy / you can also use a VPN proxy that you have free to like you depends on taste.

And there are still a lot of features "which are in it, how to use it ... we will discuss it later, if you want to get fast" get a lot of views, please download the software below, I already provide it for you use full premium ...

How to find dollars on Blogger

How to Get / Make Dollars from Blogger

         Hello, sad friend wherever you are, ok in this post I want to explain how to make dollars from bloggers, certainly no stranger to the name of blogs / bloggers and many of them who know bloggers but don't know that bloggers can produce dollar coffers, well, here I will be completely peeled how to find dollars in blogger ...
1. How to Create a Blogger Account
The first thing you have to do is create a blogger account first for sure so that you can create articles to share for all those who are looking for info ",, ok how to make it really easy.
The requirements for registering an account on blogger are very easy:
            1. Prepare your email first before you can click here
            2. Enter the blogger website, click here
            3. Enter the email address that you created earlier
            4. Enter the password
            5. And don't forget to prepare your cellphone number sometimes bloggers need pin verification
2. Creating Articles
If you have already created an account, please make an article, it's up to you to want an article about what people might be looking for, for example, you can create articles about cooking, culinary, tourist attractions, tutorials, or the hottest news now, maybe I'm not I will discuss this too long if there is a chance I will discuss how to make the article being hit.

3. How to find visitors
Ok the next thing is if you already made your first article, please publish it, well, you must be wondering, what have you been publishing? my answer is easy in frying using ketchup and adding salt ,, sory kidding the next thing you do is share it with everyone ,, what's with that for? Through the post office, send all addresses, yeah, share it on Facebook, Twitter, IG or whatever related to social media. If you are a social media activist, maybe you can get a lot of visitors, well, about visitors I want to share a little info, maybe not too important ,, in the blooger the most important thing is looking for blog visitors who visit your blog ,, the more visitors on your blog, the greater your chance of getting dollar coffers ,, how to find the dollar? the way you beg for first is sono hehehehe ... yeah the way tar I explain at length ...
Ok that's all from me, maybe on another occasion I will explain how to get a dollar through blogger, thank you for visiting my simple blogger, I hope the info is useful ,,
Thank you….

How to Mine Bitcoin And Make Dollars

Mining Bitcoin

hello buddy friend I haven't post it in a long time, sorry I have a lot of activity outside and on this occasion I want to explain about bitcoin, ok maybe most people don't know what bitcoin is, I clearly base it, I'll just let the best friends understand everything .. .

     Bitcoin is a new currency or commonly known as electronic currency that was created around 2009, the main bitcoin is used for online transactions and without bank intermediaries in all countries,

     as it works using bitcoin coins using peer to peer differences do not use storage or the United States Treasury administrator calls bitcoin a decentralized currency

     bitcoin provides cryptography to provide a variety of basic security functions, such as ensuring that bitcoin can only be used by people who do have it, and should never be done more than once.

     and now bitcoin can be used for transactions like the thing we buy internet servers buy products like electronic goods, fashion DLL ...

     all over the world now many people are looking for income from the existence of this bitcoin, many who try their fortune in the world of bitcoin, for example playing treding and bitcoin mining to be exchanged to the original currency.

     and bitcoin is still a hot conversation all over the world because to get bitcoin can be said to be difficult difficult easy, maybe for those who are already adept at finding bitcoin will not be difficult, but it is not wrong for you to try how to play bitcoin to get money.

     ok in my next post I will discuss about how to get bitcoin from the free method to the premium method, thank you for visiting my simple blog ... greetings to friends begging for dollars ...

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

7 secrets of how to get dollars from the internet

7 steps to get dollars from Google AdMob

Here are 7 steps to get dollars from Google AdMob to read through to complete so as not to fail to understand ...:

1. Create a Gmail account first, because a Gmail account is very important to register a google admob ...

Maybe you already know how to create a Gmail account ... so you don't need to explain anymore ...

2. Create / register an admob account ,, well you need to know to register an admob account is very easy just click the link => Here <=

Then you log in with the Gmail account you created earlier ... follow the steps for the instructions ,, try using Indonesian ...

3. After the next google admob list, you will enter the admob menu ...
-Click line 3 at the top left of the screen
-Then choose the app
-Choose the new app
-Select the ad unit ID
-Select bannar / interistal / video reward
-Then give a name & save

4. After creating the next ad unit, you return to the menu again ...
-Click line 3 at the top left of the screen
-Select payment / payment
-Fill all the name of the postal code address & mobile number do not get wrong because to send the Google AdSense verification pin

5. Admob account is ready to use next you can make an apk to pair the ad unit that was created earlier, many sites making apk apk without coding if you have a PC / LAPTOP you can use Android Studio because of its very complete features ...

6. Creating a Godev account (google developer) The use of a Godev account is to upload an apk that we have created and put an ad in, how to get a Godev account you have to pay $ 25 dollars to make it ...

7. If all the steps have been completed just wait for the results ,, the more apk you upload, the more results you can get right ...

That's all the information from me, hopefully useful and thank you for visiting my blog ...

How to produce dollar coffers





If so, the toolbar will appear as shown below:

Then select "ADS" if it has then it will appear as shown below:

After appearing like in the image then click "new ad unit" will appear as shown below:

Then select the ad unit there are three choices then press "selleck" then it will appear like the image below:

Fill in the "name" column according to the title of your post if you click "save & get code"

Congratulations on your ad, just enter the script code into your blogger ...
That we will discuss in the next post ,,
Hopefully useful and thank you for visiting my blog ....

Earn money from Google Adsense


Who does not know about GOOGLE ADSENSE ... !!!
This site is very popular with publishers all over the world ...

This site is the most legit producer of dollars from Google produck for advertiser sites ,, many publishers are earning huge income up to tens of millions of rupiah, so for those of you who want to try it, please just learn ...

GOOGLE ADSENSE, there are 3 products offered to publishers, namely:
1. YouTuber
2. Website / Blogger
3. Admob

Ok we explain one by one so that you don't fail to understand ...

1. YouTuber

    Now this Youtube surely you already know, surely you often see videos on YouTube to get rid of saturation, but surely you don't know much if YouTube can also produce money, not only for uploading videos YouTube can also produce money ...

Here you are required to upload videos that are as creative as possible to entice viewers to watch your videos ,,
Every video that is watched by your people will get paid from google adsense ,, but you have to follow the rules & requirements provided by google adsense to get income ... later we will discuss tips and tricks on playing youtube adsense in the next post his...

2. Web / Blogger

     Well, if there are still many web / bloggers who do not understand it because it is less popular among the lower middle class people, we will explain it briefly ... The detailed explanation we discuss in the next post ...

Web / blogger are sites in which there are posts such as the article I made, now on google web / blogger, you are required to create a blog / website which contains interesting articles, whether it's about recipes, about music, sports, & info that is useful for others ,, because every visitor who comes to read the article you will get paid from google adsense ... syartat and regulations that apply you just follow the instructions. ..

3. Google admob

    So for those of you who like to download apk on PlayStore, it is definitely not strange anymore if the apk that we download is a very annoying ad, for those of us who don't know the ad, it must be very annoying when opening the apk, the ad appears annoying, but for some people who know about AdMob, on the other hand, they are happy if there are many who see the ad because what is through the apk published, that's what they get ...

Well, if the admob is related to a mobile apk that is in playstore ...
I explained this in the previous post ...

Ok that's all the info from me, hopefully useful for you ... thank you for visiting my blog ...